ENTROTOPIA is an exhibition exchange project between HTS, Helsinki Artists’ Association (Finland) and Publikum.sk (Slovakia). This website is a OPEN platform for artists, curators and the PUBLIC to discuss and share ideas with each others. Project is curated by Ville Laaksonen and Dominika Chrzanová.

Theme ENTROTOPIA is a multi-national approach to discuss the possibilities of artists UTOPIA as a response to DYSTOPIAn state of world. ENTROPY is a force that seems to divide everything, but can it also be an solution that connects us in a new order?

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Ville Mäkikoskela

Perpetuate temporary

He is a sculptor, who is interested in everyday life with extra ordinary moments and stories from streets and neighbourhoods. Topics of his interest are our physical presence, common objects and phenomena which surround us. He mostly works with classical materials in sculpture, for example marble and bronze, intending to capture the moment.

BIO: His fine arts studies started in 1995-1999 at BfA, Lahti Polytechnic/ Institute of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department. In 1999-2001 he studied at Lahti Polytechnic/ Institute of Design, Basic Pedagogical studies. And then in 2004-2007 he finished his MA at University of Art and Design in Helsinki, 0Pallas- Fine Arts. He is a member of Association of Finnish Sculptors, Helsinki artists'association, Art Stonework - Tattarisuo Stoneworkshop and the Guild of Medallic art in Finland. His works are in collection of Finnish art society, Finnish state collection, Private collection in Norway and Finland and Wihuri foundation.

Slovensky: Zvečniť dočasné

Ville je sochár, so záujmom o každodenný život s mimoriadnymi momentmi a príbehmi z ulíc a susedstiev. Témy, ktoré ho zaujímajú je naša fyzická prítomnosť, bežné predmety a fenomény, ktoré nachádzame okolo nás. V soche väčšinou narába s klasickými materiálmi ako sú mramor a bronz, zamýšľajúc sa o zachytenie prítomného okamihu.

BIO: Jeho umelecké štúdia začali v rokoch 1995-1999 v bakalárskom stupni, kedy navštevoval Lahti Polytechnic / Institute of Fine Arts, odbor sochárstvo. V rokoch 1999 -2001 pokračoval na svojej alma mater tentoraz na Pedagogickom štúdiu. Napokon v 2004 - 2007
ukončil magisterské štúdium na University of Art and Design v Helsinkách. Je členom Asociácie Helsinských sochárov a Asociácie Helsinských umelcov, ďalej je členom Art Stonework - Tattarisuo Stoneworkshop a Guild of Medallic art vo Fínsku. Jeho práce sú v
zbierkach Fínskej umeleckej spoločnosti, Fínskej štátnej zbierky, Wihuri foundation a v súkromných zbierkach vo Fínsku a Nórsku.

Ville Mäkikoskela, photo credit: Janni Lampinen

photo credits: “Unfinished” iron, aluminuim, bronze and sound;  85 x 230 x 120 cm; 2011-2012

all rights reserved Ville Mäkikoskela

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