ENTROTOPIA is an exhibition exchange project between HTS, Helsinki Artists’ Association (Finland) and Publikum.sk (Slovakia). This website is a OPEN platform for artists, curators and the PUBLIC to discuss and share ideas with each others. Project is curated by Ville Laaksonen and Dominika Chrzanová.

Theme ENTROTOPIA is a multi-national approach to discuss the possibilities of artists UTOPIA as a response to DYSTOPIAn state of world. ENTROPY is a force that seems to divide everything, but can it also be an solution that connects us in a new order?

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Teemu Korpela

Art is a gateway to the possibilities of mind

Teemu Korpela is a painter who deals with the thematics of fulfillment, pleasure, solace, and pain.  His spatial and installation-like paintings often refer to history and today’s given ideals. They can be seen as an exciting inquiry to the history of Korpela’s medium and a way to “eat” the object of his lust and ease his hunger.

BIO: Since 2016 Korpela has an MA from the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki. In 2001 - 2005 he studied at South Carelia Polytechnic at department of fine arts. He has been given stipends from Leena Luostarinen Memorial Fund and Anita Snellman Foundation (2014). His
works are in the Finnish State Collection, Paulo Foundation, and the Collection of the Finnish Art Society. He lives and works in Helsinki. He is a member of Finnish Painters Union, The Artists Association of South-Carelia, The Artists Association of Helsinki.
His works are in collections of Art collection of the state, Museum of South Carelia, Museum of Imatra, Paulo Foundation and Finish Art Society.

Slovensky: Umenie je bránou k možnostiam mysle

Korpela je maliar, ktorý sa zaoberá s témami naplnenia, potešenia, útechy aj bolesti. Jeho maľby formuje do priestorových inštalácií a často odkazujú k histórii a dnešnými ideálom. Východiskom jeho práce pochádzajú zo širokej škály konceptov týkajúcich sa ľudskej existencie. Svoj maliarsky materiál sa snaží prezentovať takým spôsobom, aby vznikla sieť asociácií kde sa vnímanie a koncepty spájajú s telesnými reakciami a tvorenými formami a štruktúrami.

BIO: Teemu Korpela získal  v roku 2016 magisterský titul na Academy of Fine Arts v Helsinkách. Medzi rokmi 2001 až 2005 študoval na South Carelia Polytechnic v odbore Výtvarného umenia a v roku 2014 získal štipendium od Leena Luostarinen Memorial Fund a tiež od Anita Snellman Foundation. Jeho diela sa nachádzajú v zbierkach Fínskej umeleckej spoločnosti. Paulo Foundation s Museum of South Carelia. Žije a pracuje v Helsinkách a je členom Fínskej maliarskej únie a Asociácie helsinských umelcov.

Teemu Korpela, photo crédit: Jussi Virkkumaa

“Deposition” Installation, oil and alkyd paint on canvas and paper; 2017

all rights reserved Teemu Korpela

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