ENTROTOPIA is an exhibition exchange project between HTS, Helsinki Artists’ Association (Finland) and Publikum.sk (Slovakia). This website is a OPEN platform for artists, curators and the PUBLIC to discuss and share ideas with each others. Project is curated by Ville Laaksonen and Dominika Chrzanová.

Theme ENTROTOPIA is a multi-national approach to discuss the possibilities of artists UTOPIA as a response to DYSTOPIAn state of world. ENTROPY is a force that seems to divide everything, but can it also be an solution that connects us in a new order?

Entrotopia Instagram

Jukka Virkkunen

Layer by layer 

He works across various series of work at the same time, which are visually very different, but the ideas and concepts behind each are always linked. It is possible to find elements of advertising, branding, cinema and photography in his work. He tries to create a dialogue between painting, commerce and art. The minimal mark-making in his works reminds him one of the branding that creates a visual identity. The marks like logos, are empty vessels that he puts meaning into, creating an atmosphere, a story, and a moment in paint. 

BIO: His studies started in 2011-2014 at Universidade Norte do Paraná, in Londrina – Brazil, BA. Since 2018 he is studying painting in Master of Art at Royal College of Art in London.His paintings are influenced by architecture in way of amount of layers, materiality and building colorful space. He is inspired by city life and its rush. He has been exhibiting his works in UK, Finland and Brazil.

Slovensky: Vrstva za vrstvou

Jukka Virkkunen súbežne pracuje na rozličných sériách prác, ktoré síce sú vizuálne veľmi odlišné no idey a koncepty z ktorých vychádzajú sú vždy navzájom prepojené. V jeho tvorbe je možné nájsť prvky reklamy, značiek, kinematografie a fotografie. Snaží sa vytvoriť dialóg medzi maľbou, komerciou a umením. Minimalistická znaková tvorba, ktorú v jeho prácach nachádzame mu pripomína proces tzv. brandingu, ktorý vytvára vizuálne identity. Znaky ako logá sú prázdnymi nádobami, do ktorých vkladá význam tvorením atmosféry, príbehu a chvíľu v maľovaní. 

BIO: Jeho štúdia začali v 2011 - 2014 na Universidade Norte do Paraná v meste Londrina v Brazílii, kde získal bakalársky titul. Od roku 2019 študuje na Royal College of Art v Londýne v magisterskom programe. Jeho tvorba je ovplyvnená architektúrou v zmysle množstva vrstiev, materiality a budovania farebného priestoru. Je inšpirovaný mestským životom a ruchom. Jukka Virkkunen vystavoval v Anglicku, Fínsku a tiež Brazílii.

Jukka Virkkunen

“Ignite: Provoke” spray paint, acrylic paint, oil paint, oil stick, gesso and debris from studio on canvas; 140 x 200 cm; 2019 
all rights reserved Jukka Virkkunen

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