ENTROTOPIA is an exhibition exchange project between HTS, Helsinki Artists’ Association (Finland) and Publikum.sk (Slovakia). This website is a OPEN platform for artists, curators and the PUBLIC to discuss and share ideas with each others. Project is curated by Ville Laaksonen and Dominika Chrzanová.

Theme ENTROTOPIA is a multi-national approach to discuss the possibilities of artists UTOPIA as a response to DYSTOPIAn state of world. ENTROPY is a force that seems to divide everything, but can it also be an solution that connects us in a new order?

Entrotopia Instagram

Laura Beloff

Live matter as a information 

With acclaimed international reputation as an artist, Laura Beloff’s works can be described as peculiar wearable objects, programmed structures and participatory, networked installations. Her research interests, which are located in the cross section of art –technology – science, include practice-based investigations into a combination of technology, biology, IT, biotechnology, and philosophical questions concerning technological manipulation of living matter.

BIO: Her fine art studies started in 1989 at University of Art and Design in Helsinki, Photography department, where she graduated in 1995 on MA. She was simultaneously visiting Additional studies in Academy of fine arts on Media department (space and time). In 1996 she left to California Institute of arts where she fulfilled Fulbright grantee on MFA in Critical studies and Integrated Medias. Since 2006 to 2011 visited Plymouth University where she finished her PhD. She was a Professor at the Art Academy in Oslo 2002-06, a visiting Professor at The University of Applied Arts in Vienna 2009, 2011, and recently she was Associate Professor and the Head of PhD School at IT University in Copenhagen.

Slovensky: Živá hmota ako informácia

S medzinárodne uznávanou umeleckou reputáciou môžu byť diela Laury Beloff charakterizované ako zvláštne nositeľné predmety, naprogramované štruktúry či sieťované inštalácie. Medzi záujem jej výskumu, ktorý sa nachádza na križovatke medzi umením - technológiami - vedou, patrí výskum zameraný na kombináciu technológie, biológie, IT, biotechnológie a filozofické otázky týkajúce sa technologických manipulácií so živou hmotou. 

BIO: Jej umelecké štúdie začali v roku 1989 na University of Art and Design v Helsinkách, kde na katedre fotografie v roku 1995 ukončila svoje magisterské štúdium. Súčasne navštevovala doplnkové štúdium na Academy of fine arts na katedre Médii (priestor a čas). V roku 1996 odišla do Kalifornie na Inštitút umenia kde splnila Fulbright grant v stupni magistra umenia na Kritických štúdiách a integrovaných médiách. Od roku 2006 do 2011 navštevovala Plymouth University kde si dokončila svoje doktorandské štúdium. V rokoch 2002-2006 pôsobila ako profesorka na Art Academy v Osle, v rokoch 2009 a 2011 účinkovala ako hosťujúci profesor na The University of Applied Arts vo Viedni. Do minulého roka pôsobila ako partnerská profesorka a vedúca doktorandského programu na IT University v Kodani.

Laura Beloff

“Elementary”;petri-dish, video-projection, audio, chemicals; 300x200 cm; 2020
all rights reserved Laura Beloff

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