ENTROTOPIA is an exhibition exchange project between HTS, Helsinki Artists’ Association (Finland) and Publikum.sk (Slovakia). This website is a OPEN platform for artists, curators and the PUBLIC to discuss and share ideas with each others. Project is curated by Ville Laaksonen and Dominika Chrzanová.

Theme ENTROTOPIA is a multi-national approach to discuss the possibilities of artists UTOPIA as a response to DYSTOPIAn state of world. ENTROPY is a force that seems to divide everything, but can it also be an solution that connects us in a new order?

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Pia Männikkö

Pia Männikkö: Thorough observer

The starting point for her work is the body and space, whether intimate or architectural. Movement and volume of the human body is her source of reference and research. She is interested in spaces we occupy and the personal space of an individual, as well as ideas of micro and macrocosms.

BIO: Her studies started in 2005-2007 at Art School Maa, Finland. Then she continued in 2007-2010 at The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland: Sculpture and Environmental Art, 1st Class BA(Hons) Fine Art and then in 2010-2014 at Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland: Sculpture, MFA. She is member of Association of Finnish Sculptors, MUU, Finnish interdisciplinary artist association, Artists’ Association of Helsinki. Her works are in collection of Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, The Finnish State Art Collection and Finnish Art Society. 

Slovensky: Dôkladný pozorovateľ

Počiatočným bodom jej prác je telo a priestor, či už v intímnom tak i architektonickom zmysle slova. Pohyb a objem ľudského tela je zdrojom jej odvolávok či výskumov. Zaujíma sa o priestor, ktorý obývame a osobný priestor nás jednotlivcov, rovnako ako aj myšlienky mikro a makrokozmu.

BIO: Jej štúdium začalo v rokoch 2005-2007 na Art School Maa vo Fínsku. Neskôr, v rokoch 2007-2010 pokračovala na The Glasgow School of Art v Škótsku, kde študovala na katedre sochy a environmentálneho umenia a posledná študijná etapa bola v rokoch 2010-2014 na Finnish Academy of Fine Arts v Helsinkách, kde ukončila svoje magisterské štúdium v odbore socha. Je členom viacerých asociácií: Asociácia fínskych sochárov; MUU, fínska multidisciplinárna umelecká asociácia a členkou Asociácie Helsinských umelcov. Jej tvorba je zastúpená v zbierkach galérii Kiasma,Štátnej fínskej umeleckej kolekcii a Fínskej umeleckej spoločnosti.

Pia Männikkö

“Midsummer Night's Dream”; rescue blankets, metal wire, fan; 12,60 m x 6,40 m, 2020; 
Photo crédit: Pia Männikkö

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