ENTROTOPIA is an exhibition exchange project between HTS, Helsinki Artists’ Association (Finland) and Publikum.sk (Slovakia). This website is a OPEN platform for artists, curators and the PUBLIC to discuss and share ideas with each others. Project is curated by Ville Laaksonen and Dominika Chrzanová.

Theme ENTROTOPIA is a multi-national approach to discuss the possibilities of artists UTOPIA as a response to DYSTOPIAn state of world. ENTROPY is a force that seems to divide everything, but can it also be an solution that connects us in a new order?

Entrotopia Instagram

Mari Mäkiö

To hear the darkness 

Mari Mäkiö is mainly working in the field of media arts, with interest of producing interactive sound installations and investigating tactility and bodily experience as part of her work. In recent years she has produced a set of works both in Finland and in Japan, which are researching language, it’s onomatopoeic qualities and the translations between language and image. An important part of Mäkiö’s work is creating the content of the work together with people from different positions and backgrounds. She also works in different work groups of artists and designers. The creation of her works is communal and through the process there is always an element of surprise in the outcome.

BIO: Her fine arts studies started in 2007-2010 at Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture Department of Photography. In 2011-2012 she visited Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig and her she finished her studies in MA in 2015 Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture Department of Photography.

Slovensky: Počuť tmu

Mari Mäkiö pracuje najmä v oblasti mediálneho umenia so záujmom o produkciu interaktívnych zvukových inštalácií a skúmanie hmatateľnosti a telesného zážitku z jej práce. V posledných rokoch vyprodukovala súbor diel vo Fínsku aj Japonsku, ktoré skúmajú jazyk, jeho onomatopoetické kvality a preklady medzi jazykom a obrazom. Dôležitou časťou jej prác je budovanie obsahu práce spoločne s divákmi, ktorí majú odlišné postavenie a pozadie. Takisto často pracuje s rozličnými skupinami umelcov a dizajnérov. Tvorba jej prác je vždy spoločná záležitosť a výsledok býva prekvapením. 

BIO: Štúdium Mari Mäkiö začalo na Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture v roku 2007 a pokračovalo do roku 2010, kde navštevovala odbor Fotografie. V rokoch 2011-2012 navštevovala Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst v nemeckom Lipsku a svoje umelecké štúdiá ukončila v roku 2015 magisterským stupňom na Aalto University v Helsinkách, rovnako v odbore Fotografie.

Mari Mäkiö

“Tuntu(ma)”; interactive sound installation, size: diameter 135 cm

& sound 10 min, loop; 2019

all right reserved Mari Mäkiö

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